Girls we co-own
Thank you for your interest in our Golden Females. In addition to their talent in the field, they are happy, healthy representatives of the golden retriever breed and they have all their clearances once they have reached 24 months of age.
We breed 1-2 litters a year and carefully place our pups in working/companion homes. In addition to the females, we own and co-own we occasionally lease girls produced by our breeding program. If you are interested in a puppy from one of our girls or from girls bred by us, please contact us.
MACH5 SHR Heads Up Shine on Crzy Diamond JH MXC MJC MXF T2B2 WC ADHoF OD
Shine lives with her co-owner Jennifer DuRocher. She is doing extremely well in the agility world finishing her MACH at age 3. She now has her MACH5 as well as numerous other titles. Shine is also in the agility dog hall of fame. She is a GRCA OD and is enjoying the good life with Jennifer.
Heads Up Lock and Load MH WCX Am JH/WC GRCA Outstanding Dam
Kimber finished her Senior hunter and WCX titles in 2018 without failing a test. Following maternity duties she finished her Master title in 2021. Kimber is athletic and fun to train with an outstanding water entry. She recently achieved Outstanding Dam status and is now retired living the good life.
Heads Up She's Got Jam CD (HIT) SH WCX
Cypher is a beautiful girl with a nice match of brains, drive and biddability. She puts joy into all that she does, currently working at Open level obedience after finishing her Novice Obedience title with a High in Trial. She will complete her last Senior Hunter leg this coming spring, and is training on Master concepts. Cypher lives with her primary owner Kim Chester, sharing the house with spaniels and golden retrievers. She is easy to live with and a pleasure to have in the house. We look forward to see what the future brings for this talented young dog.