Golden Retriever Boys
Thank you for your interest in our "Golden Males". In addition to their titles and talent in the field, they are happy, healthy representatives of the golden retriever breed. They are structurally correct and have all their clearances.
Heads Up stud dogs are available to approved bitches from strong field/working lines with intermediate level or above titles in working venues. In addition we require prospective bitches to have hip, elbow, eye and heart clearances, as well as prcd-PRA, Icthyosis (clear or carrier) and NCL (clear) status.

Heads Up Quarterback Sneak *** QA2
"Tebow" has 12 1/2 AA points in the US including an Amateur win and an Open second. He is a high energy, birdy, watery dog who is fun to train and run. Tebow is ICT, NCL and prcd-PRA clear. His pedigree is a blend of the old and the new which has produced a number of first class working dogs for us. He is a proven sire with two litters of pups on the ground, one from frozen semen. Frozen semen only is available to bitches who meet our pedigree and clearance criteria. For stud dog inquiries contact Anne Everett 250-650-5690. Stud fee by private treaty.

FTCH AFTCH Heads Up Tracks in the Taiga MH WC*** Can. WCI JFTR QFTR*** GRCA OS
Trek gained his double QAA status in 2009 with Qualifying wins in both the U.S. and Canada as a two year old. The weekend after his 3rd birthday, he earned a Judges Award of Merit in a U.S. Amateur. In 2010 and 2011, Trek won all-age placements in both the U.S. and Canada and qualified for 5 Canadian Nationals. He also finished his Master Hunter title in the U.S. with 6 passes out of 6 tries and qualified for the 2011 Master National. Trek started 2012 by WINNING the VIRC Open on April 21st and finishing his FTCH AFTCH titles! He then went 8 series in the 2012 Canadian Amateur National FT Stake! Trek had an Amateur WIN in the US in 2014. Trek was entirely owner trained and handled.
Trek is OFA Good with elbow, eye, heart, and prcd-PRA clearances. He is an ICT carrier and NCL clear. He has sired some very promising litters, including 7 QAA offspring, MACH and MH dogs. His puppy owners have raved about their pups. One with 32 years of experience with performance dogs said hers is the nicest puppy I've ever had. Trek recently passed away ay 16, leaving a rich legacy in the golden retriever world.
Trek is available at very limited stud only to bitches with approved pedigrees and advanced working titles.
For stud dog inquires please contact Anne Everett at [email protected]. Frozen semen only.
FLASH! Trek is now a GRCA Outstanding Sire!!!

SHR Heads Up Dunoons Guardian Angel SH WCX
Gabe is another of our Cody sons who we feel could contribute positively to the right breeding program. In addition to his prowess in the hunting field, Gabe earned his Senior hunter and WCX titles easily. When not hunting pheasants he is a full time house dog and helps Cindy with chores around the farm. Gabe weighs 75 lbs and is 23 inches at the withers. He has a correct fast drying coat, is a strong water dog and loves to train. Gabe is OFA excellent with elbow, cardiac and CERF clearances. He is also PRA-prcd clear, NCL clear and Ichthyosis clear. Stud fee by private treaty.

Lakwoia's Copper Code Can/Am ** GRCA WC GRCA OS
Cody was a highly intelligent, hard going, people oriented boy who always tried hard and wanted to please. He was also an extraordinary hunting dog. Cody is OFA Good, elbows clear, heart and eyes clear. He is prcd-PRA normal/clear, NCL clear and is an ICT carrier. Cody has some very nice litters on the ground. A pup from his first litter was the top Derby golden in the US in 2011 and is QAA with an Amateur WIN and third by 39 months of age, another has Derby points in the US and is QAA, two have Derby points in Canada, and another is just starting her Derby career in the US with a third and CM in limited trials. Several pups have MH titles. 4 are QAA in Canada. Others are beginning to earn hunt test titles and performance titles with high in trials. Another pup has completed his RCMP SAR Search certification.
Cody is only available to approved girls who meet our clearance and pedigree criteria. Frozen semen breedings only. A very limited amount of frozen semen is available and can be shipped directly to your vet clinic from our local ICSB facility. Stud fee by private treaty.
FLASH!!! Cody is now a GRCA Outstanding sire!

HRCH Heads Up Larger Than Life MH WCX
Yukon is an exceptional athlete, stylish, biddable, an excellent marker and is a first class water dog. He is correct structurally and his temperament is outstanding. At 2/1/2 years of age Yukon finished his HRCH, MH and qualified for the 2022 Master National.
Yukon is completely amateur trained, predominantly in an urban terrain environment that he easily transferred into the field. He is also a wonderful companion and hunting dog with an excellent on/off switch. He is calm in the house and all business in the field.
Natural breedings and frozen semen are available. If you are interested in using Yukon please contact Anne Everett at [email protected] or 250-650-5690.