Steadying – A Proactive Approach

Heads Up Kennels

New in 2021. Steadying – A Proactive Approach. In this new e-book, Anne Everett demonstrates a proactive, teaching approach to steadying a dog. Rather than commonly employed direct punishment based methods, focus and teamwork are used to develop stability on line and while hunting. The book includes text and videos.

hunt dog steadying

The Swim by Drill

Heads Up Kennels

New in 2021. The Swim by Drill - A Momentum Based Approach. In this new e-book, Anne Everett demonstrates an effective momentum based method for teaching the swim by drill. The swim by is one of the essential drills required for advanced water work. The book includes text and videos.

The Swim by Drill

Land Use in Field Training

Heads Up Kennels

As the amount of land available for field training continues to decrease, field trainers have to become more creative with how they use the land to which they still have access. Many of us don’t have the luxury of being able to go to a different piece of ground each time we train. However, with a little creativity and thinking outside the box, it is amazing what you can accomplish in just one field.

Dog Training - Land Use in Field Training

Avoiding Soft Tissue Injury in the Canine Athlete

Heads Up Kennels

Canine Conditioning. Learn about the proper conditioning and management of your canine athlete, together with the science behind the importance of proper warm up and cool down procedures.

Avoiding Soft Tissue Injury in the Canine Athlete

The Right Start for Hunting

Heads Up Kennels

From picking a breeder through the first 6 months of the life of your new puppy, learn a proven step by step guide to the essentials required during the development and early training of a quality gun dog and field competitor.

The Right Start for Hunting